The barriers to carbon reduction in academies are very real, but they needn’t be insurmountable. Our education-sector energy experts explain all…

Barrier #1: Lack of knowledge

Much of the information on carbon reduction can be confusing, especially in light of pervasive ‘greenwash’. It is all too easy to opt for the current ‘in vogue’ solution such as installing solar PV panels, when in reality most schools waste more energy than they could hope to get back from solar power. Whilst such projects are clearly worth considering, areas of energy waste such as outdated lighting, inefficient boilers and uninsulated plant room equipment should all be key targets for more substantial carbon savings and much quicker returns on investment.

Barrier #2: Aversion to risk

For head teachers, governors and board members who are not convinced by energy-saving technology, it may seem more prudent to simply do nothing. However, the rising cost of energy cannot be ignored. Opting for technologies that achieve rapid payback is more likely to win over the risk-averse members of staff. Dealing with well-established suppliers that provide lengthy warranties on proven technologies can ensure peace of mind.

Barrier #3: Lack of funding

‘No money in the budget’ may be the most insurmountable barrier to installing energy-saving equipment. However, many academies and universities are turning to leasing arrangements. Under a leasing arrangement, the customer ‘rents’ the new energy-saving equipment from the provider, meaning the lease can be treated as ‘off balance sheet’, rather than a form of purchase.

Since the installation of energy-efficient technology unlocks instant savings on both energy bills and also maintenance costs, a lease arrangement on low-energy lighting or boiler controls can be structured to be cash-positive. Right from day one, the monthly payments on the lease are completely covered by the financial savings that result from lower bills. The remaining savings go straight to the school – and all without the requirement for any capital expenditure.

Barrier #4: Disruption to teaching

It’s impossible to close classrooms during lengthy installations of equipment. Retrofit technologies tend to be more suited to the education sector, such as the Save It Easy range from Energys Group. This allows both T5 and LED lighting to be slotted into the existing light fittings, can be installed in a fraction of the time (usually outside of working hours) and with far less disruption. Many educational premises also favour energy-saving works that don’t require access to classrooms or student areas, such as boiler controls and plant room insulation.

Barrier #5: Lack of support

Academies often lack the internal resources to manage the task of a carbon-reduction project. However, companies like Energys Group have specialist carbon-reduction teams to support Academies. We can provide turnkey solutions where the supply, fit, financing and maintenance of new lighting or boiler controls is provided in a single package.

Overcoming the barriers to carbon reduction is often a case of knowing where to look for support and finding the right technologies for a particular campus’s needs. Indeed, what may initially seem like an insurmountable barrier can actually be taken care of relatively easily.

How we work with schools:

Energys Group is the leading provider of energy-efficient technologies to schools, offering supply, fit and long-term maintenance for all of its well-proven low-carbon solutions.

  • DBS-checked engineers

All of Energys’s engineers hold in-date Disclosure and Barring Service checks.

  • Holiday-period or after-hours installation

Energys is able to work around the school calendar to carry out installation at a time that best suits the school.

  • Minimal disruption

Retrofit technologies minimise the amount of noise and dust created during installation works.

  • Extensive sector experience

With roll-outs of its technology already going forward across hundreds of schools all over the UK, Energys has exceptional sector knowledge.

  • Helping local authorities to ‘green’ their schools

Our technologies have already been successfully deployed in large numbers of schools maintained by local authorities including East and West Sussex, Plymouth City, Sheffield, Salford, West Lothian, Devon, Edinburgh, Rotherham and several others, plus many Academies, Colleges and Universities.

Start saving energy now

Interested schools should make contact with the Energys Group team:
TEL +44 (0)1403 786212

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