Energys Group is encouraging NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts to take advantage of an additional £46m of funding available for LED lighting installations.

The funding has been announced by NHS Improvement, and will inject £46m of Public Dividend Capital (PDC) to the NHS Energy Efficiency Fund (NEEF) in order to drive direct energy efficiency in the NHS.

LED lighting will provide better quality lighting for both patients and staff, as well as reducing maintenance and energy costs, and cutting carbon.

Kevin Cox, Managing Director at Energys Group comments “Estate Managers across the NHS have a huge challenge in striking a fine balance of patient care coupled with operational efficiency.

“The announcement of this additional funding for NHS Trusts across England is great news. This fund will help to reduce carbon and energy bills as well as deliver a cut to maintenance costs. This frees up much-needed funds which can be put directly back into front line services. We strongly urge NHS Trusts to act quickly and secure this additional funding before the deadline and reap the multiple benefits.”

As timescales for applying for and using the funds are very tight, Energys Group is urging Trusts to take advantage of one of the existing LED Lighting Framework Agreements which give Trusts access to pre-qualified organisations – thereby ensuring both an efficient and cost-effective delivery.

Energys Group has recently been approved by the Essentia Framework (for NHS LED lighting) and is also an approved supplier under the YPO Framework. Both frameworks provide a free service to NHS Trusts to support the entire process from bidding for the Grant monies, through tendering the work and delivery of the solution.

Applications for NEEF should be submitted through the NHS Improvement Estates and Facilities Collaboration Hub. However, for an initial energy audit or advice on LED upgrades, NHS estates teams can contact Energys Group direct.

The deadline for applications is 12 pm 30th November 2018.


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