Why deeper research gives faster ROI, saves money and offers confidence for the long term
A recent Carbon Trust survey has indicated a worrying lack of trust surrounding manufacturer claims.
It explains just 5% of professionals with responsibility for procuring energy consuming equipment are very confident in manufacturer energy saving claims.
More worryingly though, a quarter (24%) are not confident at all. Paul Huggins, an Associate Director at the Carbon Trust, said:
“Organisations that want to save money on energy bills and cut carbon emissions should think carefully about the total cost of ownership for equipment.
“The case for investing in better energy efficiency often seems blindingly obvious, but making good decisions depends on having good quality, reliable information.”
In this confusing world of claims on lighting energy consumption and performance, it appears a guide through the maze is now required.
What are the top tips for those seeking help on sustainable lighting investment?
Don’t just consider price
To protect yourself against product failure and poor performance, price should not your main consideration when considering an LED upgrade. The market is flooded with suppliers providing differing quality LEDs over a broad pricing range. By choosing price over quality, you may not achieve the outcome you should be getting in terms of light output, quality, colour or lamp life. In this case, the old adage of ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ is often true.
As an LED manufacturer, Energys LED products offer high quality as standard, with low glare, even light distribution, excellent colour and over 50,000 hours life expectancy, all backed with our 5 year product guarantee.
Interrogate performance claims
Many suppliers give identical performance claims, how can you believe them? Many claim a lamp will last 50,000 hours; how is this tested?
At Energys, our lamps are tested to meet international electrical standards; we only use LED chips that are capable of meeting precisely set parameters in terms of lumen output, efficacy, lumen maintenance, operating temperatures and other application-based criteria. We will happily discuss these with you.
Ask your supplier about light levels too; how long will the light stay at the same level before depreciating?
Ask for detailed information on energy saving
Energys has seen quotes from competitors that simply list the LED products to be supplied, and the cost. This does not offer the customer any value in terms of quantifying the long term financial benefits of upgrading to LED.
Energys will provide you with a detailed projection of what can be achieved, including calculated operating hours, light levels, energy saving, cost saving and payback period. This more detailed information lets you stack up the true, real world costs and benefits.
Ask for a product warranty
Energys offers a 5 year warranty on our lighting products. Many other companies don’t match this, so check on their terms. Verify the financial stability and trading history of your prospective supplier. A long warranty is no use if the supplier is no longer trading to honour it.
Ask for case studies
A case study will help prove the product does what it says, particularly if it includes testimonials from happy clients. Also, the best case studies prove performance claims over time, not just ‘flick and forget’ snapshots.
For example, Energys’ Yorkshire Coast College work illustrates that 6 years following the install, the client is very happy with the product.
A long intervening period like this gives a much truer reflection of the overall outcome of the lighting retrofit, and the true value of the deal.
Upgrade a small area first
Many business managers don’t have time on their side, and undertake an upgrade of the entire building at once. We recommend that for reassurance, the client undertakes an upgrade in a single room, then waits 3 weeks before giving the overall go ahead.
This small but important breathing space lets issues, ideas and potential improvements spring to light.