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Leytonstone School

“Leytonstone School is on track to significantly reduce its annual energy use following the final part of its LED lighting upgrade – as financed by the London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Salix Fund. “

Project overview

Energys Group LED upgrade at Leytonstone School in the London Borough of Waltham Forest is set to deliver £8.7K annual savings.

The project cost £69,639 and is estimated to achieve annual savings in the region of £8,700.

The estimated carbon reduction is 24.61 tonnes of CO2/pa with a lifetime carbon savings of 615 tonnes.

Return on investment is predicted to be within 7.3 years.


The project in detail

Annual £ saving


CO2 per year saving

24.61 tonnes

Project Value


Energy Reduction



London Borough of Waltham Salix Fund

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